If you are enjoying the banter, check out the out-takes after the credits.
We want you to be a part of the show so send us your theories, ideas and feedback. Talk with us on Facebook! Be involved in the show: You can be involved in the show by emailing us text or audio recordings to werealive@mickred.com or by calling (424) Alive – 80 or (424) 254-8380 and leaving a voicemail that we will play on our show. You can even text us at (424) 254-8380.
I have a Linksys WRT54G router and I want to do more with it than the original firmware allows. The key to this is replacing the firmware with a beefed up version. The first step will be identifying a new firmware and DDWRT it is. After looking through various router replacement firmwares I found that the best choice is going to be DDWRT.
If you are enjoying the banter, check out the out-takes after the credits. We also included a few extended segments this time…… every time.
We want you to be a part of the show so send us your theories, ideas and feedback. Talk with us on Facebook! Be involved in the show: You can be involved in the show by emailing us text or audio recordings to werealive@mickred.com or by calling (424) Alive – 80 or (424) 254-8380 and leaving a voicemail that we will play on our show. You can even text us at (424) 254-8380.
Visit us at: www.mickred.com Be involved in the show: You can be involved in the show by emailing us text or audio recordings to werealive@mickred.com or by calling (424) Alive – 80 or (424) 254-8380 and leaving a voicemail that we will play on our show. You can even text us at (424) 254-8380.
If you are enjoying the banter, check out the out-takes after the credits. We also included a few extended segments this time…… every time.
We want you to be a part of the show so send us your theories, ideas and feedback. Talk with us on Facebook! Be involved in the show: You can be involved in the show by emailing us text or audio recordings to werealive@mickred.com or by calling (424) Alive – 80 or (424) 254-8380 and leaving a voicemail that we will play on our show. You can even text us at (424) 254-8380.
If you are enjoying the banter, check out the out-takes after the credits. We also included a few extended segments this time…… every time.
We want you to be a part of the show so send us your theories, ideas and feedback. Talk with us on Facebook! Be involved in the show: You can be involved in the show by emailing us text or audio recordings to werealive@mickred.com or by calling (424) Alive – 80 or (424) 254-8380 and leaving a voicemail that we will play on our show. You can even text us at (424) 254-8380.
I started a few plants from seed indoors today. I will be journaling my observations and progress. Some of these will be transferred to our outside garden at a later date.
2x Roma Tomatoes
Basil (bought already started from the grocery store and transplanted)
I’ve said it before and I will say it again… a lot, I’m not an expert. This is my initial look at Grafting without having done it yet.
Just imagine having one tree produce peaches, plums and cherries or 3 different kinds of apples or a pecan being able to bear nuts without requiring 2 separate (male and female) trees or an established tree giving a jump start to production.
Grafting is the process of attaching a cutting of one tree to a rooted tree either as a limb, replaced at or just above root stock. This is done by exposing the cambium layer/vascular tissues of two different trees or exposing the cambium layer on the primary and harvesting a bud of another then joining the two together with a hormone and grafting compound (wax, rosin, natural oils) followed by taping/wrapping to protect the exposed woods.
The primary techniques I have found are Whipping, Budding, Cleft and Stubbing. Other techniques I have read about seem to be variations or combinations of those identified.
While not set in stone this doesn’t work with every species and typically only works if the 2 plants are from the same family.
Advantages of Grafting are use of disease-resistant rootstocks, small footprint diversity, and for having both male and female of one species on one graft for plants that require pollination in order to flower, bear fruit or nuts.
If you have some good knowledge on grafting, I’d love to hear from you or even interview you so please contact me via email mrredbeard AT MickRed dot com or call and leave a message at (747) 333-8145
More to come…..
Scion – a cutting from a woody plant
Rootstock – roots from an established plant
Grafting compound – sealant/protector
Grafting wax – bee’s wax/paraffin/tallow
Rooting Hormone – Salicylic acid that can be obtained from willow buds (highest and most effective concentration)/bark/leaves and is the active ingredient in Aspirin. Supposedly if you add honey it acts as a antiseptic/antibacterial that aids rooting and grafting.
Daniel Bingham Image courtesy of http://theroadgoeson.com/
Tonight while googling some terms I ran across Daniel Bingham’s website http://www.theroadgoeson.com. This guy seems pretty cool and his website covers topics that I am interested in such as permaculture, programming to include game engine development and web design. The website isn’t perfect and has some broken links but interesting.
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