Comic Artist & Author Trent Westbrook

20160726_140159MrsRedBeard and I (MrRedBeard) have made it a point to seek out local comic artists and authors while we are traveling. To launch this we reached out to Trent Westbrook today and met up with him in Corpus Christi, Texas yesterday. Trent is the author and artist behind a series called Corpus Christi2d4805cdf7a5cb6be75bd70f505f7a48_original

The art work was very compelling so we bought issue 6 unable to find any others. MrsRedBeard reached out to Trent on facebook and arranged to met up to grab the volume. Bonus it is also signed!!! Once we get a chance to read the volume we will post a review.

Tidbit: In 2014 a successfully funded KickStarter campaign was launched to raise the funds necessary to produce Corpus Christi volume 1. We had the opportunity of buying the last copy we could find directly from Trent himself.




Creating Plasma in a Microwave

Plasma PreviewAfter speaking with John Cohn and hearing about this experiment I just had to try it. Video recording is rough but you’ll get the idea. Soon I will be ramping this up when I start my series of microwave oven experiments where we will build everything from a high voltage power supply to a smelter and maybe just maybe a Microwave Death Ray (ok maybe just a herf gun).

Don’t try this at home!

Click here to browse through posts written about my interests in Microwave Projects

RedBeard Reconnecting with Spawn

Spawn Comic Cover Issue 1Slowly I’m getting back into Spawn my all time favorite comic series. There’s so much I’m not remembering about the series so I’m starting back at Issue #1. Comixology has all of Spawn available to subscribers but I want some of the physical copies for my collection. I ordered 1-11 and just got them in. I also have a collection of original figures that I will be getting out of storage soon.

For those that don’t know Spawn is a series created by Todd McFarlane about Al Simmons a Marine that was killed and whose soul went to hell. Given the chance Al sold his soul for another chance to walk the earth and see his wife again but his return among the living is five years later, his wife is re-married to his best friend and Al finds himself to be a demonic creature. Jaded by the situation, the deal and his new position in “life” he becomes a sort of anti-hero.

The art work in Spawn to me is unmatched by any other and is one of the first things that drew me into the series. Flipping through these issues is bringing back so many memories. As I go through each issue I am going to try and at least make note of key things, thoughts and major events here on the blog.

Spawn Collection

Some of you may remember there being a movie but that is a review for another day. But do know considering its time the movie wasn’t as bad as some would make it out to be.


Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

This is a continuation of a new series I’m creating for “What To” that I’m calling the Extreme Nerd Series where books, film and audio highlighting science, innovators, inventors and tech startups will be covered.

A best seller on Audible Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future written by Ashlee Vance and narrated by Fred Sanders.

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic FutureTo call Elon Musk the real life Iron Man is an insult but for the sake of an analogy if Elon Musk were Iron Man he’d do it better. As far as science and making stuff happen there are some incredible people that have walked the face of this planet but I haven’t felt like there has been one closer to my age in my life time. Some are close but not quite and most of them are more of a catalyst.

There’s the driving force of corporate interest and then there’s Elon Musk wanting to accomplish anything. I’m not saying Elon Musk does not have corporate or financial interests but I do think they fade into the background and become mere enablers to see his ambitions bear fruit.

When building companies up Elon has sunk everything he has had into them. When Elon Musk believes in something stay out of his way because he will make it happen. Seriously he has taught himself almost everything there is to know about each company. I imagine from the details I can gleam that Elon Musk knows just as much if not more about every detail pertaining to products or the businesses in general than most of the staff to include engineers and specialist. He’s just that driven, curious and genius.

BlastarBy the early age of 12 Elon created and sold a video game called Blastar for somewhere around $500. Elon made PayPal profitable and helped bring about an era of e-commerce when so many companies failed. Elon founded SpaceX and guided Tesla into his own vision making them not only awesome and functional but also profitable. In the midst of SpaceX and Tesla Elon also co-founded Solarcity which has become the leader in residential solar power. There are more and more achievements everyday. I could elaborate on these facts more but that’s what the book is for.

To say Mick & RedBeard are fans of Elon is putting it lightly but if you like SpaceX or Tesla at a minimum you will love this book.

The copy we listened to is from Audible.

The Boy Who Played with Fusion

The Boy Who Played With FusionThis is the first of a new series I’m creating for “What To” that I’m calling the Extreme Nerd Series where books, film and audio highlighting  science, innovators, inventors and tech startups will be covered.

The Boy Who Played with Fusion: Extreme Science, Extreme Parenting, and How to Make a Star written by Tom Clynes and narrated by P. J. Ochlan.

Taylor Wilson a young, strangely social given his level of intelligence, natural born leader, inquisitive genius of a boy from Texarkana, Arkansas.

Taylor hit many mile stones by the age of 17. By age 9 Taylor had, by most people’s standards, mastered the basics of rocket propulsion, by age 14 he successfully built a fusion reactor and with previous events shadowing this fact know that he gave a TED talk at the age of 17. Those facts are just tossed out there in order but seriously achieving fusion at the age of 14 is amazing. Just being able to gather the required components for a fusion reactor at that age is impressive let alone building one.

There are many people in this world like Taylor. A lot of them you wouldn’t know have that level of intelligence resides in them or that the potential lies there untapped. To be honest what sets Taylor apart from others is luck and enabling parents. Taylor did not come from wealth or a well connected family just caring parents, intelligence, circumstance and plan old luck.

With luck, I say luck because not enough of them exist in this world, brought caring teachers who could admit when they didn’t know something but helped find answers, adults willing to share knowledge and provide resources, parents willing to see it through that their children’s passions were nurtured, adults making time, saying yes and listening.

The copy we listened to is from Audible.

R Kelly’s Trapped in the Closet

Trapped In The ClosetIf you have not ever watched R Kelly’s Trapped in the Closet you are missing out. It is wildly entertaining! Trapped in the Closet is classified as a Rap Opera even though it fits R&B meets Soap Opera and relates more to a telenovela.

Back in the day I binge watched all of the episodes that had been released to that point and forgot about looking for newer releases. When I came across the new episodes on YouTube it was the perfect time to re-watch them from the beginning with my wife who had never seen them before.  It was so much fun I now want to host a Trapped in the Closet watch party. It’s an experience!

R Kelly’s Trapped in the Closet has more crazy turns than Paso de los Caracoles. Trapped in the Closet is definitely What To Watch.

Supposedly Trapped in the Closet has the possibility of being adapted to both a movie and a book. I’m in, I’m in shut up and take my money.

Wikipedia actually has a good write up and summaries but RedBeard would love to do a synopsis of this web series. Anyone up for listening to that? Contact us

 I compiled the free episodes into a playlist here

But Wait there’s more!

14 – Audio Book of Awesome

14 by Peter Clines14 written by Peter Clines and narrated by Ray Porter. A dynamic duo that could make a HOA news letter sound entertaining. This book was introduced to me by Raven during the We’re Alive finale road trip to LA. I can’t thank her enough because this book is one of my most favorite to date. Since then I have listened to 14 a few times with each listen appreciating 14 more. 

If I had to sum the story up it would be that 14 is a modern Lovecraftian adventure mystery. The main plot of the story takes place in an apartment located in LA. Upon strange experiences the desire to find out what lays beyond pad locked doors, deep basements and things hidden just beyond the walls.


Peter Clines is a master world builder. The world is so vivid, the puzzles are so deep, chuck full of pop culture references and the journey is incredible.

Ray Porter took this narration to a whole new level. He puts on voices for each character and does it so well that found myself saying I bet this female character is cute then realizing this was a guy’s voice well played sir well played.

Ash & I are getting ready to listen to The Fold. Can’t wait! I hope at some point that we get the chance to interview Peter Clines.

The copy we listened to is from Audible.

How to Fight Presidents – Hilarious Overview of Presidential History

51iyMt1TF4L._SL300_What to Listen to…… How to Fight Presidents

Ash’s suggestions are sometimes questionable considering his undying love of bad movies but this, this was hilarious. I’ve never been so entertained or laughed so much about historical accounts of well anything especially American presidents.

Written by Daniel O’Brien a hilarious writer for/director for/co-creator of Cracked and narrated by Richard McGonagle.

Richard McGonagle’s narration was perfect for this. His narration is so professional and studious while dropping some of the funniest lines written by O’Brien. Seriously just play the clip about George Washington below and hear it for yourself.


You will surely learn something new to include facts that if you heard them in passing you would think they were BS. For example did you know that Lyndon Johnson held meetings while he was on the toilet with staff and interns present? As if that were not enough there is more…. but listen to find out.

The copy we listened to is from Audible.


Robotics Demonstration

I’ve been giving robotics demonstrations to an Interfaith Summer camp being held by the ITSSM Interfaith Center while sharing some love for the AR Innovation Hub. The Hub has been such a blast to volunteer for and interact with and in addition they are always willing to help.

I wanted a way to demonstrate and provide immersion for children to learn a little about robotics so I threw this together. It’s not pretty but it sure is effective. Upon request I’m willing to write up details on the components, wiring as well as share the code used.

In addition I also toted along the R2D2 trashcan that my daughter and I built. This was a huge hit but also caused a mess when the children used R2 to transport popcorn.

A simple push button interactive arduino setup



The R2D2 trashcan that I wrote about previously controlled via bluetooth and app on an android.

