LibreCAD is a free opensource CAD software that is available on Windows, Linux & MAC.
So for some reason I had a time figuring out how to use the text commands in LibreCAD to draw lines at specific angles at specific lengths. I think it has something to do with ortho vs polar degrees but I’m still not sure. I have it in my head that it should be 0/360, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360/0 but instead it is 90, 45, 0/360, 315, 270, 225, 180, 135. Again I might be alone on this but that’s how I visual it in my head while drawing.
Unable to find a graphic at the time, again probably my fault, so I made one.

Found a wiki entry explaining the anti-clockwise 360 degrees