LibreCAD Maybe its just me

LibreCAD is a free opensource CAD software that is available on Windows, Linux & MAC.

So for some reason I had a time figuring out how to use the text commands in LibreCAD to draw lines at specific angles at specific lengths. I think it has something to do with ortho vs polar degrees but I’m still not sure. I have it in my head that it should be 0/360, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360/0 but instead it is 90, 45, 0/360, 315, 270, 225, 180, 135. Again I might be alone on this but that’s how I visual it in my head while drawing.

Unable to find a graphic at the time, again probably my fault, so I made one.

LibreCAD Degrees Reference Graphic
LibreCAD Degrees Reference Graphic



Found a wiki entry explaining the anti-clockwise 360 degrees

Opensource CAD Software

Archimedes OpenCAD
Archimedes OpenCAD

Archimedes is a free and opensource CAD software. The interface is comfortable, fairly easy to use and is similar to commercial platforms. Exportable formats are svg (vector), pdf, xml and arc which is Archimedes’ native format. The downside is that documentation seems to be lacking and I maybe wrong here but there doesn’t seem to be a way to change the unit of measurement. With that said I still love it and will be using it.

You can learn more and download Archimedes here
