We have a local comic book store Kapow Comics with some pretty cool staff. So cool in fact I decided to move my box for regular purchases to Kapow. They were having an anniversary sale this past Saturday so we paid them a visit. These finds were suggestions from the owner and one other guy on staff.
Mule – one of a kind custom cover art, # 12/20 signed
Happy – written by Grant Morrison & art by Darick Robertson
Long Walk to Valhalla – by Adam Smith & Matthew Fox
Bought a bunch of stuff from Kapow Comics this week, if anything is noteworthy I will post it up this week.
Like I’ve said I’ll ready, I’m really digging Multiversity…Here’s a few ways I am getting the most out of this book that I can.
1. Multiple read throughs— This is essential to any Grant Morrison story I’ve read, as you will inevitably find many things you missed no matter how slow and detail-obsessed you read the first time. It also helps with every other step…
2. Online Annotations – Once you’ve made it through the book a few times, it’s time to hit the annotations. These have greatly enhanced my understanding of the events in this book, as well as helping me begin to develop an idea of where the story is headed…
3. Comb the Map – Make sure you are getting your money’s worth from Multiversity by exploring the Map of the Multiverse. This beautiful, yet confusing piece of trippy art actually contains a lot of very interesting information – as well as easter eggs…(Cubed Earth, Hammer and Sickle planet)
4. YouTube – There are a few decent video’s out there to help round out our understanding of the multiverse. You might like this one from DC Entertainment- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opoc-AjMlww
If you have some more Tips/Links let me know on twitter @MickGinger0 and I’ll update this post, Thanks for reading!
Check out my New Comic Podcast over at http://comiccast.mickred.com – Subscribe now, the first show covering New 52 Superman #32 releases Sept. 15th
Just where is Multiversity going, and when it gets there – does it change anything?
The Good Guys…right?
My first read-through of Multiversity #1 went pretty well, and I thought I had a grasp on what was going on…that is until I started to read some reviews. There is so much happening on and in every single page that I’m not quite sure how to describe it to my friends. One thing is for sure, if you like finding more story value the more you dig, this book is for you! Before you continue – Know this – I Love this book, and I can’t wait to unravel the mysteries presented…(Tomorrow I post on how to squeeze as much of the Multiver-mystery out as possible) There is one MAJOR (No Pun Intended if you read#1) point I’m concerned about when it comes to this book. What does Multiversity mean to the..uh Multiverse if it doesn’t/can’t Reset Continuity? Multiversity is the next part of a story in which all other previous “event” stories somehow completely rebooted the continuities they ended. If you didn’t know, there are some story threads and character arcs being borrowed from Crisis on Infinite Earths and Final Crisis (This one Especially, also being written by Morrison). Except, we just rebooted with the New52 3 years ago, and I can’t see them going wholesale again so soon….so what exactly is this story going to do? Honestly, a story THIS BIG and THIS OLD (2009 Article on Multiversity) cannot have much impact with the reader if there aren’t far-reaching implications. Ok, I’m glad to have that out of my system – Now that I’ve rested my back writing this piece it’s time to pick up the shovel and resume digging for whatever it was that Grant Morrison hid under here…. Check out my New Comic Podcast over at http://comiccast.mickred.com – Subscribe now, the first show covering New 52 Superman #32 releases Sept. 15th
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