The Bronzeville Numbers Unbreakable? Part 3 Geographic

Josh Olson says his numbers code is unbreakable. Do you like puzzles? If so have fun and contact us to tell us what you find. Maybe in sheer numbers we can brute force the answer.

Could it be a shape reference?

Here’s the numbers again.

  • 6 42 63 42 52 72 2 11 75 27 7 37 4 48 58 7 27 8 45 51 2 12 22 7 18

Graphing the Numbers (Fail)

It’s a sailboat? Unless there’s a shape in there, I’m not seeing on the right this is a fail.



Could it be map data or location data?

Geographic Locations

I know it was said that the numbers don’t point to crypto buuuuuuut. I used (Location?)

6 /|”=>’3N 6W /|”=>’3N 5N 7N N 11 75 N7 7 W7 /|”=>’3 /|”=>’38 58 7 N7 8 /|”=>’35 51 N 1N NN 7 18

  • 6,42,63,42,52,72,2,11 to 42.634252, -72.211 Athol, Massachusetts
  • 37,4,48,58,7,27,8 to 37.448, -58.7278 Atlantic Ocean (fail)

Locations in Bronzeville story?

Couldn’t find any correlation.


Be sure to check out the Bronzeville FAQ


Where’s RedBeard

Out on location to scout a location for the next episode of Dared to Survive. We took some photos that we’ll be posting on Tumblr and Facebook.

Where’s RedBeard? Can you spot him?

Where's RedBeard?
