Robotics Demonstration

I’ve been giving robotics demonstrations to an Interfaith Summer camp being held by the ITSSM Interfaith Center while sharing some love for the AR Innovation Hub. The Hub has been such a blast to volunteer for and interact with and in addition they are always willing to help.

I wanted a way to demonstrate and provide immersion for children to learn a little about robotics so I threw this together. It’s not pretty but it sure is effective. Upon request I’m willing to write up details on the components, wiring as well as share the code used.

In addition I also toted along the R2D2 trashcan that my daughter and I built. This was a huge hit but also caused a mess when the children used R2 to transport popcorn.

A simple push button interactive arduino setup



The R2D2 trashcan that I wrote about previously controlled via bluetooth and app on an android.


Trip to a Mini Maker Faire


So it was pretty awesome for their to be a local Maker anything in Central Arkansas. I can’t wait to see if we get a Maker Space so I can spend countless hours there making gadgets. This Mini Maker Faire was put on by the Arkansas Innovation Hub on Saturday May 2nd which until this event I wasn’t familiar with. I did a terrible job at taking photos and I guess was too busy geeking out. This event had everything from robotics and laser powered projectors to forges and gas powered bicycles.

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‪#‎MakerFaireNLR‬ ‪#‎MakerFaire‬ ‪#‎ARidea‬
